Qué es el Café Sensible or What is Sensible Coffee?

The specialty coffee sector is growing exponentially. What we pay for consuming a good cup of coffee has multiplied in a very short time, but what is it that adds value to coffee? What differentiates a conventional coffee from a certified or specialty coffee? Why do we pay more for its origin, its history, its certifications, its medals, its processes, its innocuousness and its durability?

There are two ways to analyze, value and enjoy coffee: from the left hemisphere -with the rational- and from the right hemisphere -through the senses-. When we drink coffee in a sensitive way, we decide to unite the two hemispheres and connect with the seven senses: hearing, to listen to its history; sight, to see its physical aspect; smell, to smell its fragrances; taste, to savor its sweetness; touch, to feel its texture; proprioception, to locate ourselves; and interoception, to express its effects. Hearing and sight represent conventional and certified coffee. Together with smell, taste and touch, they define specialty coffee. Together with proprioception and interoception, they define sensitive or Sensible coffee.

The development of your sensitivity is the key to recognize the value of your coffee, to enjoy it and to give it an added value, adjusted to the needs of each market; respecting its development time in all the phases from the seed to the cup.

Kim Ossenblok is the driving force behind this new movement of Sensitive Coffee or Sensible Coffee, check his website at this link: https://baristakim.es/. Kim will accompany you on this sensory journey, improving your sensitivity to enter into direct contact with a new paradigm of specialty coffee.

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